This year marks the 25th anniversary for Denton as a certified Main Street City and it is proof that continuing the revitalization efforts is worth the investment. To commemorate this occasion, a new logo was recently developed, reflecting all the vibrant economic, cultural and historical activity in downtown today.
Downtown Denton’s revitalization efforts started in the late 1980’s with renovation and rehabilitation projects on downtown buildings giving the center of the city a renewed start. The city officially joined the Texas Main Street Program and became a Main Street City in 1990 and the Denton Central Business District began operating as the Denton Main Street Association. Since Downtown Denton’s program began it has seen 397 buildings rehabilitated, 29 new construction projects, over 1800 jobs created and an increase of 300 businesses in downtown.
Denton Main Street and the volunteers and city leaders and professionals who work to keep it moving forward are to be commended. The vision that started more than 25 years ago is what makes downtown thrive today for all residents and visitors to enjoy.
Denton Main Street Association continues to be the organization that works with the City of Denton to promote Downtown Denton as a destination for all residents and visitors. Denton Main Street Association is a non-profit 501(c) 6 and membership is open to those who want to support the mission and revitalization efforts to keep Downtown Denton the vibrant dining, shopping, entertainment and cultural district it is today.