Our History
About Us
The Denton Main Street Program began when the City of Denton received its official designation as a Texas Main Street City in 1990. The city has since celebrated numerous physical and financial improvements in the area. Over $132+ million has been reinvested in the downtown Denton area since our humble beginnings.
As an Accredited Main Street Program, DMSA also works with the City of Denton Historic Preservation Office to ensure the integrity of the Denton Square District (DSD), which is home to the Denton County Courthouse Square Historic District, a National Register Historic District listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This special historic district comprises 50 buildings, sites, structures, and objects, including 8 local landmarks and 30 resources that are “contributing” to the historic value of the National Register Historic District.
To maintain downtown Denton’s appeal as a center for shopping, dining and entertainment. To promote business growth and preserve Denton’s historic character.
To promote and preserve downtown Denton as a vital asset of the community.

Downtown Denton
The first Courthouse restoration was completed in time for the Texas Sesquicentennial in 1986. The overwhelmingly positive response to the Courthouse renovation confirmed to the merchants that there was a need for an organized downtown revitalization program. The merchants and community leaders attended conferences on downtown revitalization, visited other communities, talked to professionals and lobbied their City Council members. In October of 1989, the City of Denton funded the Main Street Program and appointed the Downtown Development Advisory Board to oversee its progress.
That year, the Texas legislature allocated funding for an Urban Main Street Program, making it possible for cities with populations of more than 50,000 to participate in the state program. Denton applied, was selected, and began its association with the Texas Main Street Program in January of 1990. Since then, the Central Business District non-profit business association that was first organized in 1964 officially became the Denton Main Street Association. Membership has increased over 400% and shows incredible broad-based community support. The Main Street Program has high visibility and its mission is recognized and understood by most of the community.

Make a Difference in Denton
Our mission is to ensure that Denton’s Historic Downtown continues to be the heart of our community. The Denton Main Street Program, through the combined efforts of public/private partnerships, preserves and markets the downtown area as a community treasure, focusing on historic preservation, continuing reinvestment, and developing heritage tourism. Together, we can preserve Denton’s great history and promote its bright future. Denton Main Street Association strives to maintain Denton's downtown area as the focus of the community where history is preserved, businesses thrive, and citizens and visitors dine, shop, live, and enjoy the arts and entertainment.
The Denton Main Street Association (DMSA) is a 501(c) 6 non-profit member organization that works in cooperation with the City of Denton’s Economic Development Department to implement and execute the 4 points of the Main Street Program. DMSA works year-round as a business of tourism promotion, marketing and advertising, and coordinates several events for downtown Denton. DMSA events are funded by sponsorship and memberships from the private sector. Downtown management in Denton is truly a public-private partnership. The DMSA Board of Directors raises funds for the efforts of DMSA and depends on sponsors, members, grants and volunteers to make it all happen.