Ringing in 2016

Today marks the end of 2015 and a new year will be upon us in just hours. We want to thank everyone who makes Downtown Denton such a special place to come and enjoy local and original shopping, dining and entertainment, as well as find great business and personal services or unique places to call home. 

This year marked 25 years for the Denton Main Street Program in Denton and it has been a labor of love for so many citizens, businesses and property owners who have invested in downtown Denton. It is truly a desination for anyone wanting to have an original Denton experience.

Thank you to the merchants of downtown Denton and all those who sponsor events, volunteer for events, or attend the events and make it all happen around the clock all year long in downtown Denton.

The Denton Main Street Association looks forward to some exciting changes in 2016, so stay tuned. Have a safe and happy New Year!

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