Sales are sizzlin' in downtown

Downtown is hot, but the deals this weekend are even hotter!  Come downtown June 15th and 16th beginning at 9 a.m. and find something new, vintage, antique, or unique. Stroll the sidewalks of historic downtown Denton to find that special deal. More than 20 merchants have racks and tables loaded.  Have a sweet treat, a cool drink or a bite to eat while you're there. 

Throughout the summer don't miss out on the fresh goodness at the Denton County Farmers' Market every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 7 a.m. to Noon or Sell-Out. And the Denton Community Market is open every Saturday early morning until 2 p.m. with vendors selling locally-made goods and foods, along with music and fun.  The markets are located at the corner of Mulberry Street and Carroll Blvd. in the Denton County HIstorical Park parking lot.

Have a fun summer and make a visit to downtown Denton a repeat eventon your list of things to do! 

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