Arts & Autos Cruise VIPs

Thank you for signing up and reaching out to your community via a cruise by local nursing homes, assisted living centers and more while also supporting Downtown Denton. As you know, this year is not a traditional event and there is no car show. We appreciate you participating and the following are guidelines for a fun cruise:

  • VIP package holders, please go to the Wells Fargo paid parking lot: Wells Fargo building is located at 101 S Locust. The parking lot is on East side. Please enter the parking lot off of E. Hickory or Mulberry Street side entrances.
  • Upon arrival on your Saturday September 12th, give your name to the volunteer and you will be given a parking pass to place on your dash.
  • You will be directed on where to park and how to get your VIP goody bag and shirt.
  • Only cars with the VIP pass can park in the Wells Fargo lot to wait to leave for the cruise. No other cars without a pass will be allowed in the paid lot.
  • Cars will be parked in VIP lot at least 2 spaces apart.
  • All individuals must wear face covering when in groups and inside businesses (mask exception is eating or drinking).
  • All individuals should maintain 6 feet of separation from other outside the individual's group; A group is defined as no more than 10 persons including the members of the household and those persons who traveled together to the event.
  • You may make some positive and encouraging signs for holding out of the car or waving to your audience at the nursing and assisted living centers. Remember - you are bringing the smiles to them.
  • No political, no candidate endorsements or controversial messages on vehicles or signs before, during or after the cruise, as DMSA is a non-profit organization and cannot endorse such.

If you plan to come to breakfast before the cruise, you may park in the official Arts & Autos Cruise Parking in the Wells Fargo parking lot no earlier than 7:30 am to allow our volunteers to set up for the event. Please remain in your car while waiting in the parking lot.

Cruise participants must be in their cars and ready to leave by 9:30 am and plan to roll out approximately 9:40 am. If you are having lunch downtown after the cruise, you may park in the lot until 2:00 pm. Please keep the pass on your dash inside the car. All cars need to be moved no later than by 2 pm.