Arts & Autos Vendor Information
Thank you for participating as a vendor for the 2024 Arts & Autos event. There will be two opportunities for load-in and load-out of your vendor booths this year. Please adhere to the following rules.
- EARLY LOAD-IN FRIDAY SEPT 13th - Due to the nature of this years event Early Load in is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. Early Load-In is available during the hours of 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm. With this option you can bring all of your items to the Civic Center to be securely stored overnight for Saturday's event to reduce the amount of setup required on Saturday. To arrange your load-in window please contact us.
- Vendor Load-In Saturday September 14th 7:30 am - 8:30 am: For vendors not able to load-in early we will have standard hours for loading in on Saturday.
- For Load-In be sure to Use the Entrances off of Bell Avenue for the Civic Center (See Map Below)
- Exhibit Hours: Saturday, Sept. 14th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Booth Size: 10’ x 10’ (unless permission granted otherwise). Extra booth space available limited for artist/crafter demonstrations!
Set-Up: Exhibitors will be responsible for all booth structures, set-up, and furnishings, e.g., extension cords, signage, drapes, etc. Booths with electricity will need fire extinguishers. Vendors and booth participants can begin to set-up on Saturday no earlier than 6:45 a.m. on the date of the event. NO VENDOR VEHICLES WILL BE ALLOWED INTO THE CIVIC CENTER PARKING LOT AFTER 8:15 A.M. ALL VEHICLES MUST BE OUT OF THE CIVIC CENTER PARKING LOT BY 8:30 A.M. PLEASE BE PREPARED TO UNLOAD YOUR ITEMS IN THE DESIGNATED UNLOADING ZONE AND MOVE YOUR VEHICLE BEFORE 8:25 A.M. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY. ANY VEHICLES REMAINING IN THE CIVIC CENTER PARKING LOT AFTER 9:00 A.M. ON THE DATE OF THE EVENT, MAY BE TOWED AWAY AT THE VEHICLE OWNER’S EXPENSE.
Tear Down: Booths can begin tear-down no earlier than 2 p.m.. No booths will be allowed to close early without prior permission from the Committee. Participants are responsible for dismantling and cleaning space before leaving. We are a litter-free event and we recycle, please use the appropriate receptacles OFF THE PARK to dispose of trash & recycle. Facilities: Electricity will be available for Food/Drink booths only if requested at the time of registration. No water will be available. Public restrooms will be available in the Civic Center and Portable toilets around City Hall.
Vendor Loading Map and Parking