5 Year Anniversary of Anadara Designs

5 Year Anniversary of Anadara Designs

The Denton Main Street Association is celebrating the 5-year anniversary of Anadara Designs, a full service boutique interiors studio. Learn about their business launch story, overcoming the pandemic, and involvement in the Denton community.

2021 Fall Events in Denton, Texas

2021 Fall Events in Denton, Texas

Check out these family-friendly events in Denton during the fall from September through November 2021. Don't miss September's Arts & Autos event in downtown Denton for a day of cars, music, art, food and fun. This is a free public event! 

5 Year Anniversary of Stoke Denton

5 Year Anniversary of Stoke Denton

The Denton Main Street Association is celebrating the 5-year anniversary of Stoke Denton, a co-working space downtown off Hickory Street. Learn about how Stoke started, grew the business, and overcame the pandemic with permanent shifts.

Ultimate Guide to Denton's Arts & Autos in 2021

Ultimate Guide to Denton's Arts & Autos in 2021

The Denton Main Street Association is proud to have kicked off the 22nd annual family-friendly Arts & Autos 2021 event in Downtown Denton. Chalk Fest. Fine arts, crafts and food vendors. Live music. Family-friendly event. Free public event.

5-Year Anniversary for Steve's Wine Bar in Denton

5-Year Anniversary for Steve's Wine Bar in Denton

We're celebrating the 5-year anniversary of Steve's Wine Bar by revealing the business story from launch to overcoming the pandemic, and future plans for growth. Don't miss the exciting line up of celebrations happening the first week of August exclusively at Steve's Wine Bar.